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Trent Wendell

Photo of Trent Wendell

Teacher - High School

Phone: 403-728-3459

Key Roles

Mr. Wendell is our High School Math, Science, and Foods Guru. With a background as a Professional Geophysicist, Mr. Wendell's love for the outdoors, science, physics, and mathematics, is expressed in his energetic and exciting approach to teaching. There is never a dull moment in one of his classes.

As well, Mr. Wendell cannot hold back when it comes to travelling and trying new food. Legend has it, he once ate fried ants in Cambodia. His passions come through in smell and flavour as the schools' kitchen is always cooking up some new and interesting recipes to experience.

Lastly, for those nerds out there, Mr. Wendell runs our school's Dungeons and Dragons club. Rolling dice and telling stories, the adventure never ends whether it be saving magical rabbits or infiltrating a magical school full of wizards. Who knows where our adventures will take us next?

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