What You Need to Know About Scholarships with Janet MacDonald
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Instruction for Scholarship/Bursary Application - A Must Read that Will Help You
Instruction for Scholarship/Bursary Application - A Must Read that Will Help You
January 9th - Steam Horizon Award - Promotional Video - 85% average - project you have done for the community - $25,000
January 31st - Prestige Photography by Lifetouch - 1 page essay "what senior year means to you and how your Prestige pictures help celebrate your achievements” - $1000
February 1st - Kin Canada Bursary (Innisfail Kinettes)- Community, School Involvement - $1,000
February 1st - Terry Fox Award - Humanitarian work - up to $28,000 David Bentley FCA and Janet Bentley High School Excellence Award
February 24th - Schulich Leader Scholarship - Academic - Nomination only from School - up to $100,000
February 28th - Western Art - Art work entered - $2,000, $1,750, $1,500 awarded
February 29th - CPA Education Foundation - Volunteer activities, academic achievement, pursuing an accounting designation - $1,500 and $2,500
March 1st - RDRH Foundation - Health Care - $1,000 + (Many Scholarships to find at this website)
March 1st - John Hasselfield Scholarship
March 10th - CAEF Young Emerging Professionals Award - Professionalism, integrity, ethics and leadership - $1,500 +
March 11th - Remax Bursary - Community Contribution (1,250 word essay required) - $1000
March 31st - John Helou Scholarship - Scientific, engineering, math & technology - up to $25,000
March 31st - Spruce View Ag Society - Agriculture - $400
SV & District Ag Society Scholarship Information
March 31st - Red Deer Polytechnic- plans to attend RDP - 80% or higher in five 5 credit grade 11 or 12 subjects. - up to $1000
April 1st - Trey Purdie Memorial Scholarship - Resident of Red Deer County - $1,000
See Scholarships Application form
April 1st - Glen Armitage Memorial Education Plan - Agriculture Family - $1,500
April 30th - Derek Wandsura Memorial Scholarship - Survivors and families of childhood cancer
April 30th - Scotiabank & myBlueprint - 4 scholarships available (Diversity, Financial Wellness, Future Women Leaders, STEM) - $3,750
April 30th - Brent Ramsay Leadership Scholarship - Leadership scholarship - $1,000
May 1st - Delmar College - up to $1000 - entering the hairstyling program or the esthetics program (see Mrs. Schweer or Ms. Rawluk)
May 1st - Chinook's Edge Exceptional Accomplishment Scholarship - Special Need - $100
View Criteria Application Form
May 5th - Cook Family Scholarship - $2000
Application Information & Form
May 13th - SV & District Lion Club - Entering Post Secondary - up to $1000
May 14th - Johnathan Dood Memorial Scholarship - First Year U of A - $800 (scholarship application open until September 14th)
May 15th - Eugene Zelmer Bursary Fund - entering the field of physical education or education - $500
See Bursary Information Application Form
May 15th - SVS Humanities Scholarship - Essay required - $300
See Application Information Application Form
March 25th - Gleniffer Lake Golf Scholarship - essay required - $500
May 28th - My Blueprint Scholarships - various scholarships worth $500 to $1000 each
Log in to My Blueprint - click on the Home tab - click on TASKS - click on Scholarships
May 31st - GAP Year Scholarship - Show proof of attending Post Secondary in the future - $1000
May 31st - MADD - advocate against Drunk Driving - $500
June 1st - Alberta Moose Association - entering a Community College or University in Alberta - $1000
Scholarship Information Application form
June 1 st - Merit's Career and Technology Studies (Construction) Award - high interest in Gr 12 Construction CTS course -$300
June 1st - Fraser Institute - Essay - Awarded $1,500, $1,000 & $500
June 1st - Premier's Citizenship Award - Public Service and Voluntary & Voluntary Endeavours - Certificate
June 1st - Central Alberta Co-op Grade 12 Scholarship - Business or Agriculture - $500
Application Information - Please apply to Mrs. Schweer
June 1st - Raven Community Scholarship - Trade or College Degree - $500
Scholarship Information - Please apply to Mrs. Schweer
June 1st - Dickson Fertilizer (1982) Ltd. Agricultural Scholarship - agriculture studies - $1,000
June 1st - Gleniffer Lake Scholarship - participated in the SVS Golf Program - $250
See Mrs. Schweer
June 8th - SVS PAC Leadership Scholarship - Leadership Qualities - $500
Application Information Application Form
June 8th - SVS PAC Academic Scholarship - Academic - $500
Application Information Application Form
June 8th - SVS PAC Trade Scholarship - entering trades - $500
Application Information Application form
June 15th - Monsanto Scholarship - Agriculture - $1,500
June 20th - SVS Mathematic & Science Trio Scholarships - Academic Merit - up to $300
Application Information SVS Mathematic Achievement Application SVS Science Trio Award Application
June 26th - M. J. Maxson Scholarship - Academic - Not eligible for Gr 12 Rutherford - $500
June 30th - Central Alberta Co-op - Has worked for at least one year with the company - up to 75% reimbursement of tuition
June 30th - RAP/CTS Scholarship - trades - $1,000
June 30th - ASAA Milk Every Moment Scholarship - balance of academic & sports, essay required - $1,000
June 30th - ASAA Pay It Forward - athletic - $500
June 30th - BBG Communication Award - Essay required - $1,000
June 30th - Don Church Offering - Agriculture or Veterinary Medicine - $2,000
June 30th - Blue Mountain Power Co-op Scholarship - enrolling into a post-secondary program of a least two years - $1,000
June 30th - Elmer and Ona Hansen Memorial Fund Scholarship - comes from a rural area entering a post secondary, 500 word essay required - up to $80,000
Application Information & Application
June 30th - Furnace Prices - Record a video discussing a major issue, enrolled at a post-secondary - $1,000
July 15th - Quinney Family Award - $700 - has completed a Dual Credit Course and is enrolled in a credit course at Olds College
August 1st - PAMZ - Martha Kostuch Scholarship - Service and Leadership (future environmental stewardship and/or leadership - $2,500
See Scholarship Scholarship Info
August 1st - ME Global - Entering a study supporting the chemical industry - $1,500 (for graduating year)
Application Information and form
August 15th - Alexander Rutherford Scholarships - earned during high school 75% average - up to $2500 (upon graduating)
August 15th - Dr. Ernest and Minnie Mehl Scholarships - through Rutherford - up to $3000
August 31st - AB/NWT Ladies Auciliary Command Royal Candian Legion Bursary - Entering First Year of Post Secondary Education - $500
August 31st - SOS Safety Magazine - Essay/action plan.resource guide that outlines prevention of social issues - $5,000
August 31st - RMA Post-Secondary Scholarship - registered in a four year program- $1000
September 1st- Julian Charles Arthur Sacher Scholarship - Science Program - $1500
September 1st - STORWELL Bursary - Foster Care Children - $2000
September 1st - Bob & Jean Spencer Scholarship - Automotive Field - $1,000 (application received in the Graduating year)
Open Application Information Open Application Form
September 15th - Innisfail Ag Society Bursary - Bursary of $250 + for Agriculture, Non-Agriculture and Apprenticeship Applicants or their families must be Ag Society Members. Membership is $5 and may be submitted with the application.
Open Agriculture Bursary Non-Agriculture Application
Open Apprenticeship Bursary
September 15th - ATA Local #17 Scholarship - Undergraduate Degree Program - $500 (Graduating Year)
September 15th - ATA Local #17 Scholarship - College, Fine Arts, Trades, Technical College - $500 (Graduating Year)
College, Fine Arts, Trades, Technical Schoolscation Information
September 15th - ATA Local #17 Scholarship - Graduates of Chinook's Edge Teaching Staff - $500
September 15th - Scotia Bank - Essay - $50,000
September 30th - Persons Case Scholarship - Studies/Field contribute to the advancement of Women - Up to $5,000
October 1st - Federation of AB Gas Co-ops - Essay/Transcript - $1000 (Graduating Year)
Open Application Form/Information
October 1st - Building in Excellence - RDC - average of 85% or better (applied to RDC)
October 15th - Burger King Scholarship - Planning to attend post secondary education - $1000 to $50,000
October 19th - Loran Scholarship - Character/Leadership - up to $100,000
October 25th - Horatio Alger - Financial Need - $5,000
October 31st - Alex Decoteau Award of Honour - Canadian Armed Forces member - $5000
November 18th - TD Scholarship - Post Secondary Education - $70,000
December 9th - A&E 2015 Lives that Make a Difference Contest - 300 word Essay - up to $3,000
December 15th - Burger King - Academic - $50,000